Saturday, January 24, 2009


Dragonfly said...
I love the blog. It is so informative and very motivational. Can you recommend some mild exercises for people with back injuries? I have a herniated disc in my neck and lumbar area and cannot go running or jogging. I walk the treadmill and have done some yoga, but I still don't think it is enough to burn some fat.

As I always said, I recommend that you consult a physician before beginning any exercise routine. In your case all the more. Back injuries are serious and can be limiting to not only exercising but to your everyday life. I believe low impact exercises would be the best for your back trouble. My suggestion would be to look into water aerobics. You would be able to move within you limits and the threat of injury from a jarring or strong impact are reduced. You know your limitations better then anyone, start slowly and build up.

Mr Clean said...
How many injuries happen while people are jogging in the snow? I see it alot.

This is a good question since we live in a place where snow and ice are a seasonal threat. However, I can not say I have seen the statistics on this, but would be very interested to. I would think the threat of a cold injury would be the biggest issue. Chilblains, frost bite, and hypothermia in my mind would be the biggest threats, followed by falls from stepping on ice resulting in sprains and broken bones. I did some searching on the Internet but could not find the injury statistics.


Bill Gehrke said...

Since I wasn't sure what Chilblains were I had to look it up. In case there are others who where confused about this, it is often confused with frost bite. It is actually ulcers of the extremities caused by exposure to cold. The cold damages the capillaries to cause the ulcers.

healthnut said...

I found a good page that talks about the differences.

Bill Gehrke said...

Very informative site.

Blog_Boss said...

Ever hear of internal frostbite from beathing in deeply of this nice cold air were having here? Or is it just lumped in with hypothermia or something?

Mr Clean said...

I am still actively searching the web for some jogging accident statistics. I'll keep you posted.

Dragonfly said...

Thanks for the feedback on water aerobics. That is what the doctor recommended as well. Now, I just have to make time for it.

I love the additional links that you have added. You have tons of information.

Mr Clean said...

What is a healthy number of calories to eat in a day for an average size human?

Mary said...

I have found your site very interesting and informative. All your links have useful hints too. The cold weather has gotten to me and I have brochitis and the coughing has left me sleep impaired. Any healthy ideas? I am drinking lots of water with lemon, grean tea and good old chicken broth. Just curious if there is anything to boost my energy level.....

Blog_Boss said...

My son (8) is into excercising right now. Any recomendations for him to start with? He's using a small weight (1 lb) for arm lifts and individual excersises like pushups and situps on his own right now.

healthnut said...

the important thing to keep in mind is that he is still growing. using too much weight at an early age can cause damage to his joints and in some cases might stifle his growth.

make sure you monitor his exercising as this could also develop into an addiction much like anorexia except it instead of making yourself thinner it is about excessive exercise to become more toned. This is very common in young men.

as far as a fitness plan, it would really have to be based on his goals. staying with the lighter weights is fine for getting toned and defined muscles but if muscle mass is his goal then he would have to increase the weights.

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